
Our group chose to teach the lesson on jQuery and CRUD, which we are to teach to the class on December 7. Below are some brief bullets on what each part of the lesson is going to cover as well as some of the homework that we will provide the students (should take at most 30 minutes to complete).

Main Concepts to Cover

  • jQuery
    • What is jQuery?
    • What is jQuery used for?
    • Demonstration of application in markdown and HTML tables
      • Be able to explain similarities and/or differences between markdown and HTML tables
  • CRUD principles
    • What does CRUD stand for?
    • How can CRUD be applied to jQuery and beyond?
    • Show demonstration of applying CRUD to tables created
  • Hacks (tentative)
    • A quiz that covers the concepts taught
    • Creating their own table with jQuery and explaining how it works
    • Extra: create something completely unique using jQuery and CRUD, explaining how the project applies the two